
  • Xingkun Liang
  • 性别:男
  • 职称长聘副教授
  • 邮箱:lxk @ pku·edu·cn
  • 所在部门:图书馆发展教研室
组织管理与创新 (Organisational Innovation and Strategy)
互联网创新生态系统(Innovation Ecosystems)
基于信息计量的知识发现 (Informetrics based Knowledge Discovery)
实证研究方法与研究设计 (Qualitative and Quantitative Methods)
2012-2016 工程学博士,剑桥大学工程系(留学基金委资助)
2012-2016 Ph.D. inEngineering, University of Cambridge (Sponsored by CSC)
2008-2012 Bachelor of Management, Peking University
2017.3 至今乐动平台app(官方)APP下载助理教授
2017.3 - now Assistant Professor, Department of Information Management, Peking University
Papers on Peer Reviewed Journalsin English
• Liu, Y., Liang, X., & Shi, Y. (2018). Brokerage and balance: Creating an effective organizational interface for product modularization in multinational R&D. Research Policy, 47(6), 1133-1146. [PDF] [LINK] (FT50,ABS 4*)
• Bu, Y., Ding, Y., Liang, X.*, & Murray, D. S. (2018). Understanding persistent scientific collaboration. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 69(3), 438-448. [PDF] [LINK]
• Bu, Y., Ding, Y., Xu, J.*, Liang, X., Gao, G., & Zhao, Y. (2018). Understanding success through the diversity of collaborators and the milestone of career. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 69(1), 87-97. [PDF] [LINK]
• Liang, X. (2017). A Configurational approach to understanding international R&D networks. In: Wu, X; Shi, Y; Guo, B (eds) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Global Manufacturing and China, p. 141-153.
• Xue, Y., You, J., Liang, X., & Liu, H. (2016). Adopting strategic niche management to evaluate EV demonstration projects in china. Sustainability, 8(2), 142.[LINK]
• Liang, X., et al. (2015). Origins and Trends of the Multinational's R&D Internationalisation Research- a Systematic Literature Review. In: Qi E., Shen J., Dou R. (eds) Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2014, p. 597-606.

中文期刊论文(Journal Papers in Chinese)
•周庆山, 梁兴堃, 曹雨佳. 微博意见领袖的甄别与内容特征. 山东图书馆学刊, 2012(1):22-27, 35. •梁兴堃. 大学生网络盗版大学生网络盗版问题及其解决策略探究. 图书情报工作, 2011, 55(17):96-99.

会议论文(Conference Papers)
• Liang X. 2018 Configurations of International R&D Networks. AOM Annual Conference, Chicago.
• Shi X., Liang, X., Ansari S., 2017. United We Stand: Latecomer Strategies from an Innovation Ecosystem Perspective. SMS Annual Conference, Houston.
• Liu. Y., & Liang, X. 2016. The organisational change process of a decentralised R&D network to support product modularisation. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, U.S.
• Liang, X., Shi, X., Shao, X., & Shi, Y. 2016. Innovation ecosystem governance - a typology of generic strategies for managing complementors. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, U.S.
• Liu, Y., & Liang, X. 2015. Global integration of R&D organisation in MNCs: A process model. The 57th Annual Conference of Academy of International Business. Vancouver, Canada.
• Shi, X., & Liang, X. 2015. Understanding latecomer strategy from a business ecosystem perspective. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver, Canada.
• Liang X., & Probert, D. 2015. Revisiting global R&D networks - a new typology. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver, Canada.
• Liang, X. 2015. Origins and trends of the multinational's R&D internationalisation research. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver, Canada.
• Liang, X., & Probert, D. 2014. Understanding international R&D networks - a structural contingency approach. The 56th Annual Conference of Academy of International Business. Vancouver, Canada.
Other International Conferences
• Liang, X. 2016. Organisational enablers for international R&D networks. The 20th Annual Cambridge Symposium on International Manufacturing. Cambridge, U.K.
• Liang, X., Shi, X., & Shao, X. 2016. Managing complementors in innovation ecosystems: A typology of generic strategies. The 38th Annual R&D Management Conference. Cambridge, U.K.
• Liang, X., & Shi, Y. 2015. How do some emerging multinationals become global leading innovators: Evidence from Chinese cases? The 19th Annual Cambridge Symposium on International Manufacturing. Cambridge, U.K.
• Liang, X. 2014. Revisiting international R&D networks for global innovation - cases from European MNCs. The 21st Annual Conference of European Operations Management Association. Palermo, Italy.
• Shang, T., Liang, X., & Shi, Y. 2014. The intellectual structure of business ecosystem research. The 14th Annual Conference of European Academy of Management. Valencia, Spain.
• Liang, X., & Shi, Y. 2013. The evolution of big questions on R&D internationalisation: A survey of literature. The 39th Annual Conference of European International Business Academy. Bremen, German.
• Liang, X., & Shi, Y. 2013. Frontiers of R&D internationalisation research in recent ten years: A systematic review with bibliographic coupling analysis. The 17th Annual Cambridge Symposium on International Manufacturing. Cambridge, U.K.
• Liang, X. 2013. Dynamic R&D model for open innovation era. The 6th Annual Conference of Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Oxford, U.K.

专著章节(Book Chapters)
• X. Liang, X. Shi& Y. Shi, forthcoming. Innovation Capability Evolutions of Chinese Flagship Companies. In Maureen & Jin ed Creating Leading Edge Technical Competencies in Chinese Companies. Edward Elgar Publishers.(The Chinese version will be published by Zhejiang University Press)
• Fleury, A., Shi, Y., Fleury, M., Ferreira, S. Jr., Cordeiro, J., & Liang X. 2015. Framing international operations management: Contributions from emerging country multinationals, in Tihanyi, L., Banalieva, E. R., Devinney, T. M., & Pedersen, T. (ed.) Emerging Economies and Multinational Enterprises (Advances in International Management, Volume 28), Emerald Group Publishing, 351-377.

工作论文(Working Paper)
• United We Stand: Latecomer Strategies from an Innovation Ecosystem Perspective.
• How servitization strategy affects product innovation performance: Evidence from UK manufacturers.
• Dynamic coupling: Organisation structuringfor knowledge-intensive firms.
• Structure and capabilities of international R&D networks.
• Innovation ecosystem governance: A typology of generic strategies for managing complementors.
• Dynamic R&D strategy.
• Structural and temporal features of scholarly networks.
•Research and Development Management Association (RADMA) Doctoral Research Funding- Understanding International R&D Network(2013-2015)

•UK- EPSRC- Global Sustainable Manufacturing Network
•European Commission- Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development- Europe-China High Value Engineering Network
    •我国文化产业发展战略研究( 重大项目) 子课题“数字内容产业发展战略研究”

•Qualitative Data Analysis
•Management & Innovation of Knowledge Service Organisations(知识服务机构的管理与创新)
•Econometrics for Information Management(应用计量分析)
•Professional English in Information Management (专业英语)
• Best Paper Award, 2017, Thirteenth International Symposium on GlobalManufacturing and China (GMC).
• SMS Houston Best PhD Paper Prize Finalist, 2017, SMS Annual Conference.
• Carolyn Dexter International Best Paper Nomination, 2016. AOM Annual Conference.
• 北京大学优秀毕业生, 2012
• 美国管理协会 (AOM)
• 战略管理协会(SMS)